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Post 5 - Why are there short films?

  • What's the point in having short films?
If a filmmaker wants to reach an audience outside of her own insular industry, she's better off directing full-length movies. Cinemas have long been the easiest means of watching films and monetizing filmmaking, so grants and other funding tends to be reserved for features.

  • Who makes short films?
Anyone can make a short film. we see many young teens making short films in this day and age. although most are not at the quality of experienced producers, they are not investing lots of money into it which clearly shows in the end product.

  • Where are they exhibited?
You  can find many short films on YouTube. this is where hundreds of student made films are exhibited as they can be easily accessed and viewed. Professional short films can also be found on YouTube, if they're good enough they will be published on TV.

  • What is it about short films?
Many people think that budgeting issues are why most short films are created, and while it's true that budget issues can be the cause of a short film, there can be many other factors that influence the decision to create one. Many new directors/producers choose short films so that they can be used like a business card or a resume to attract clients and investors. If you try to take on a role as director or producer, and you have no experience that can be verified, you are most likely going to be passed over for someone with a full portfolio. On that note, a full portfolio is nice, but not necessary. A single short film is usually enough to determine if you have what it takes. This is why many aspiring directors and producers create short films with the hopes that they will help advance their career.Some aspiring directors and producers use short films as a self-critique of their abilities. A short film is a cheap way to determine if you should move on to feature films, or if you need more experience in certain aspects of film production. A short film is an inexpensive way to learn the production process, and gain experience. A short film can be looked at like a trial. If your short film is successful, it can lead to larger projects, higher budgets, and feature film production opportunities.Some people just love short films. Two-hour movies are great for most people, but there are many people who love to watch short films. There's a reason that millions tune in to watch 30-minute TV shorts in primetime.There are many producers who feel that it's actually harder to create a short film, because you have to fit an entire story into a specific, short amount of time. With feature films, you can take as long as you need to tell the complete story, so there's not as much pressure.


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